In our last Blog we talked about ‘How to get people to do what you want’.
Because, as a leader or manager in an independent business, the buck stops with you, and to compete effectively with limited resources against intense competition can be very hard!
So, we offer you here a simple tool, to help you get the results you need.
Now, how can we do this: what do we know about you and your business?
Well, there are 3 simple principles to remember first, and these apply to everything, all the time:
- If you get people involved in planning and negotiations, they are MUCH more likely to be committed to what was agreed than if a plan or outcome is simply plonked on them.
- Good planning and communication has a common sense structure (that unfortunately not many people know about, and fewer people use!)
- There is a common sense process to arrive at the structure through getting people involved and committed.
Sounds great!
But, in reality, does it work?
I’ve been using these principles through a simple but powerful tool for almost 30 years now: in my own businesses, in a Director role in a FTSE 100 Company, and in my roles as coach and adviser to hundreds of independent business owners and managers, and…
There has never been a situation I’ve been in where it hasn’t helped and hasn’t been an integral part of solving the trickiest problems!
This tool is called the ‘win/win agreement’ and I’m not going to explain it in this blog: it’d be too long and boring! Instead, I’ve recorded a 17 minute podcast which explains it step by step … and includes a funny story about how my son used it with my wife when he wanted his girlfriend to stay over…
(I told you it worked in all situations…)
So, don’t take my word for it: have a listen by clicking below and, if you like what you hear, please comment and share and do all that lovely stuff that helps everyone!
Hope you like it!
Slow Selling is a UK based not for profit movement for change in selling.
Our systems deliver peace of mind and confidence to caring leaders and managers who have limited time and resources, want to do the right thing and grow their business … all without sacrificing principles or profit.
To find out more, please click here or email