Sometimes social media can be really helpful (though I’m not sure it’s helpful enough to make up for all the wasted time and effort, but when you’re trying to launch a new idea, you have to spend a lot of time on it!).
This week’s blog is about a podcast interview I had with Tammy Whalen-Blake.
Now I expect that Tammy is someone you’ve never heard of.
Neither had I, but we got talking on LinkedIn, then I looked at what work she was doing: I was so impressed that I asked her to be a guest on my podcast.
Tammy runs a movement called ‘Go to yellow’: the idea behind this is that so many people are continually running around just to get things done every day, that their life starts to lose focus and they become what she calls ‘grey people’.
Instead, she suggests that perhaps it\’s a good idea to try and ‘go to yellow’.
This means: to recognise that we are tied up with the continual treadmill of our daily lives and to use this knowledge to start to change things, step by step, in order to have more growth, freedom, fulfilment, success and life balance.
She talks about a lot of good ideas that we can employ on a day-to-day basis, and you can hear the full interview on our latest podcast, but, for now, here are a few simple tips that she shared with me:
- If we see busy-ness as the mark of a successful person, we will never be free of that prison. Instead, she suggests that we see ourselves differently and instead see success as not being continually busy, but instead be having a good level of balance and freedom.
- In order to do this, we need to work on things little by little (this ties in very well with my ‘go the extra inch’ principle) and of course this is particularly difficult for leaders and managers in independent businesses when the buck stops with you…
- She suggested a really good way to get started is to set some simple boundaries: for example leave your desk at 5:00 PM , have a routine built into your diary and always turn your phone off at a certain time.
- And she suggested a really simple but powerful three part response to dealing with problems and interruptions that links very well with the material we teach in Slow Selling under the ‘Effective use of time’ .
Having been in this situation myself many times, I suggest that stress and time management are two of the biggest issues for leaders and managers in independent businesses.
Not getting to grips with these ideas, through simple and helpful tools is a recipe for disaster over the longer term … especially when you don\’t have a large organisation behind you to help pick up the pieces.
Personal organisation and time management is a critical skill if you want to be successful as a leader or manager in an independent business.
Yet the paradoxical problem is that you are often so busy that you don\’t have time to put aside to get these skills and ideas implemented into your routine!
Please make a point of putting aside 15 minutes to listen to this short interview and I\’m sure you will get some good ideas and tips from Tammy.
Please also note that we offer full training on ‘Effective use of time’ and ‘Effective interaction with other people’ in the Slow Sellers Association or as stand-alone training and coaching.
To listen to the Podcast on this subject, please click below:
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(You’ll also get a free ebook – The 7 Deadly Sins of Sales – and 3 exclusive videos about how to grow business without sacrificing your principles or your profits).
Slow Selling is a UK based not for profit organisation for leaders and managers in independent businesses.
Our systems deliver peace of mind and confidence to caring leaders and managers who have limited time and resources, and want to grow their business … all without sacrificing principles or profits.
To find out more, please click here