In my last two blogs I outlined:
And I promised to write this time, on How to act after a win/win negotiation in order to make sure that you get great results, no matter what the outcome of the meeting.
Sounds too good to be true? Read on …
So, we’ve discussed that in your win/win meeting, you will have reached one of two possible outcomes:
- A win/win agreement
- A ‘no deal yet’ agreement
So, as you can see, both of these are agreements!
(And this can still be the case if the other person is being difficult or antagonistic: YOU can still be agreeable, YOU can still act in a constructive way, YOU can be a force for positive change … no matter how argumentative or difficult the other side is being … this is an important principle!)
So, no matter what outcome you’ve reached, so far, the key is then to confirm back to the other person, in writing, what’s been agreed and what you’ve agreed to disagree on, and what the next steps are.
And the wonderful thing is, if you’ve used I DR GRAC to plan and execute the meeting, then this last step is a doddle: all you have to do is confirm back on what you’ve agreed.
Intent: what the big picture intent is.
Desired Results: what results both of you are looking for.
- what you agreed
- what you discussed but didn’t agree
- what resources you agreed on
- what resources you still need
- what follow ups and measures you agreed
- when you’ll next meet / chat about this
- what you agreed could come out of success
- what you agreed you’d do if this doesn’t work in any way
And thus, the win/win format makes all your lives easier, outlines clearly what’s been agreed and what’s yet to be agreed, confirms what the consequences of success and failure may be before anyone’s started doing anything (and this can be vitally important), and keeps the follow up live and relevant.
A really powerful tool to help you get great results no matter what the situation!
Give it a try…
Slow Selling is a UK based not for profit organisation for leaders and managers in independent businesses.
Our systems deliver peace of mind and confidence to caring leaders and managers of start-ups and small businesses who have limited time and resources, and want to grow their business … without sacrificing principles or profits.
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